Trying to figure out this life.
My darlings in happier times.
An hour before Nelly died.
An hour before Nelly died.
ZH and me! I demo-ed with him the kote-gaeshi, waki-gatame and kuzure ode-osae. I am like how gentle lah! =P
The demo didn't really go as well as we had expected it to. Then again, casualties are not uncommon in this sport; it's more common to get injuries than to be injury-free actually. I have had so many bruises that I've lost count. It takes me about a month to recover from each sprain or abrasion. But it all pays off in the end, as any jujitsuka would tell you. ;)
Okay, I'm off to sleep. Enjoy the week, y'all!
Here's Monster, my pet suckerfish which I had kept for 2.5 years. It grew to more than twice its size, which was really unexpected. I really like keeping bigger-sized fish in addition to breeding small fish, because then I can track the number of months/years that I've kept it.
I've just observed the new fish and they seem to be adjusting, although the Shubunkins and sterbia corys are still quite shy. I shall observe them for the next couple of days and see how it goes. =))
Hope the first week of school goes well and that I picked good (read: fun and interesting) modules! Enjoy the week, y'all!