Thursday, January 24, 2008

Deadlines, deadlines, dead...

I have one last project group to finalise by tomorrow. I'm starting to drown in my work now -- I have a 54-page psych-stats reading to do by tonight, submit my application, prepare for 10am meeting tomorrow, post some intelligent entries on the forum and think about whether I'll have the mental capacity for tomorrow's training 8-10pm, since I'm busy from 10am to 6pm.

I'm not trying to be Wonder Woman; it's just that everything is suddenly falling on me like an avalanche. My sincere apologies to Johnny, whom I was supposed to meet for dinner with tonight, but had to cancel at the last minute. In any case, my first psych-stats presentation is next week! Really, really soon. Research methods isn't the most interesting fields for me, but I can live with it.

I need to start watching more films for my film module. Yes, I watch films for homework and analyse them. How fun, right?! It's beginning to be quite interesting, especially when the English language prof incorporates cognitive psychology into his classes; the same thing happened with my other English language prof. I'm okay with cognitive psychology, not strictly as a discpline on its own, but within the field of social cognition. ;)

I'm off to drown in my work. More later.


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