Thursday, January 17, 2008

How do you expect me to be serious when you paired me up with him?! Thank goodness a certain someone wasn't around, cos his jokes are really lame. Haha. Anyways, I am doing nice, simple stuff like kote-gaeshi, waki-gatame and kuzure ode-osae; however, I seriously don't remember learning waki-gatame, although it looks like a kesa-gamate done backwards to me. I need to mentally run through them when I have the time and do them properly on Friday. I know what needs to be done -- it's just that I'm better at the theory than practice. Haha.

So my fourth module turned out to be slightly better than I had expected. I think there's a lot of hot air and smoke though, but we shall see. Somehow, I find that people outside the Psych department are always intrigued whenever I go 'Yes I'm a psychology major', especially when I reveal such knowledge in a room full of English majors. Haha. I enjoy my English modules -- they're refreshingly different from the numerous experiments, empirical evidence and statistics that we do in Psych. In any case, I still have one last module to sample on Friday -- a psych module that's very heavily based on statistics. Ahhh.

Oh yes, I'm waiting for my CJ Xiao Long Bao from Johnny, because he got silver for his IPPT! Congratulations, Dude! Rest well and I'll see you on Friday, ok? No more skipping warm-up man -- I almost forgot how to do a mae-mawari-ukemi today! Really. Sheesh. Bad bad. Haha.

Okay, I shall go sleep now. So many readings to do for Friday! Laters!


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